行き着いたか言語表現Achieved Expression by Language?



I'm arrived on the point how to express what I think by words or language, is it true?
Surely, not so supreme world which novelists for example arrive.
It's just only what I think in my own accord. In addition, if I say more precisely,"I'm arrived how to express what I think only by words or language"
I've been hearing something like the sound of tsunami from far away, whichi is calling me; "and now, how you would express by visualization?"
In anyway, I'm looking for my own way of expression, not for like the accord in modern age, insisting "Who is established of own style in expression is a real artist", or, not for try to "devoted in the creative time; got many experience; gave many costs for creations, etc.", which is also for agree to the same requires of modernism,
But I've not been ignoreing my own development through social media, so, the studing is still continuing.